Become a Vital Farmer

Farming With Us

We began as a single farm. As we grew, we didn’t make our farm bigger — we found more like-minded farmers who put the welfare of their animals first. Today, more than 300 family farms commit to our exacting standards and the pasture-raised practices that are best for hens and land. Pasture-raising puts the welfare of our animals at the heart of our business. We require our farmers to allot at least 108 square feet per hen, giving the girls plenty of room to roam and allowing the land enough time to rejuvenate naturally, without pesticides or herbicides. If you are interested in joining, please read through the following frequently asked questions and answers before applying.


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To make sure Vital Farms is a good fit for you, can you confirm you have each of the below:

  1. Your farm is located in the Pasture Belt (scroll up for definition of Pasture Belt) or in areas we’re currently expanding: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
  2. Have the ability to dedicate 52+ acres of land (or can purchase this land.)
  3. Building a barn is a considerable financial commitment. The vast majority of our farmers work with lenders to finance the investment. Are you willing to consider a loan to pursue becoming a Vital Farms farmer?
  4. Are you willing to commit your time to animal welfare and proper management of your farm?