Changing The Game

Changing The Game on Every Field

game changing eggs

Raising the Standards has always been part of our DNA. When we see others doing the same, we can’t help but cheer them on. So, here’s to those changing the way the game is played, on every field.

Game Changing Eggs - Golf
Game Changing Eggs - Soccer

The Women of Vital Farms

When it comes to raising standards, we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk! See a few ways we’re changing the way the game is played on our field.

Explore The Forage

Wanna hear more about girls on grass? Check out our blog, The Forage!

Game Changing Giveaway

We want to hear from YOU about the people you are cheering on who are raising the standards on their “field”– which can be almost anything!  The kitchen, the school, the non-profit, the neighborhood, or really any corner you see being elevated because of someone raising the standards. 

You and the lucky person you nominate have the opportunity to both win: 

  • A year’s supply of Vital Farms eggs & butter 
  • A Girls on Grass swag pack 
  • $500 toward gear to upgrade your “field”

Here’s how to enter: 

  1. Post a creative in-feed photo or video highlighting someone in your life who is truly raising the standards on the “field” they are playing on.  
  1. Include a caption and tag @VitalFarms on the photo or video post on your public Instagram account (be sure to check your privacy settings!)     
  1. Or, alternatively you can also enter by sending your nomination and contact information in a self-addressed stamped envelope to Vital Farms at 3601 South Congress Ave. Ste C-100, Austin, TX 78704.  
  1. One winning submission (“Winner”) will be selected via a random drawing from the submissions list.  There are two winners from the one winning submission – the nominee and the person who nominated and shared the post.