Grass-fed & Pasture-Raised
Vital Farms Butter starts with pasture-raised cows who are always treated with care and respect. Our four-legged ladies are 90% grass-fed, with access to the outdoors during the warm months (that’s an average of 200 days a year!). The result? Rich cream to churn into deliciously golden butter. We bet you can taste the difference.
Grass-fed & Pasture-Raised
Vital Farms Butter starts with pasture-raised cows who are always treated with care and respect. Our four-legged ladies are 90% grass-fed, with access to the outdoors during the warm months (that’s an average of 200 days a year!). The result? Rich cream to churn into deliciously golden butter. We bet you can taste the difference.
Grass-Fed & Pasture-Raised
Our butter starts with pasture-raised cows who spend their time grazing outside during the warm months (that’s an average of 200 days a year!). 90% of what the girls eat is grass, while the remaining 10% is nutritionally balanced feed to ensure they have a well-rounded diet.
Family Farms
Vital Farms began with a single farm and a commitment to animal welfare. As we grew, we didn’t make that farm bigger — we found more like-minded farmers who put animals first. Today, these ethically minded family farms share our passion for animal welfare and sustainable farming practices.
Conscious Capitalism
Picture a world where hens, cows, farmers, investors, crew members and Mother Earth sitting around a conference table. Philosophically, our business is like that. We consider how our work impacts animals, people and the environment, and we put them first. Always.
Don’t Forget
Your Coupon
There’s so much to learn about navigating the butter shelf. Fortunately, the only thing you need to know right now is that you’re about to get $1.00 off a pack of Vital Farms Butter. Click below to claim your coupon!